Best Squint Surgery Hospital in Trivandrum
Squint surgery is a very common eye operation. It usually involves tightening or moving one or more of the outside eye muscles which move the eye to change the eye position. These muscles are attached quite close to the front of the eye under the conjunctiva, the clear surface layer. The eye is likely to be sore for at least a few days. You may be given painkillers to reduce discomfort and some eyedrops to help with healing.
AL HIBA EYE Hospital at Kallingal Junction, Nedumangad has an all-in-one operating theater and is operated on by ophthalmologists with over 30 years of experience.
What causes squint eye?
Your vision can be seriously affected due to cataract, glaucoma, corneal scars, optic nerve disease, refractive errors, tumors of the eye, retinal disease etc
Does squint surgery hurt?
Surgery to correct a squint does not usually hurt, although your eye may feel slightly uncomfortable afterwards.
Will more than one Surgery be required?
It is not uncommon for more than one operation to be necessary. This does not mean that something has gone wrong but that fine-tuning is needed to obtain the best straight alignment. Sometimes the Squint is too Large and hence 2-stage Surgery is planned.
What happens after the Operation?
It is a day Care Surgery with no hospitalisation. The eye pad is removed the next day and eyedrops are instilled a couple of times during the next weeks. Since it is an external surgery there is no effect on the vision. Most of the times external sutures are absorbable and do not have to be removed. Though the eyes may be red initially but a person can join back his office in a couple of days.